The Indestructible King

by Rachel Mullen

Every week I open up a news site to search for stories the Current Events Supplement I write for Adult Bible Studies. Every week I try to find inspiring stories, lighthearted anecdotes, and relatable events. And every week I wade through a bog of negativity to get to them. For example, I just opened my browser, and was immediately greeted by headlines with the following in their titles: “Death Toll Climbs,” “Serious Failures,” “Police Officers Killed While on Duty,” “Protests Break Out,” “Rise in Coronavirus Cases.” If you’re someone who regularly reads, listens to, or watches the news, I don’t have to tell you that it’s doom and gloom out there.


Every week I hope for something uplifting news. I seek it out. I am desperate to find it. I think that’s normal for us humans. We are always looking for good news. We are very fortunate to have everlasting good news in the risen Christ. “His rule is an everlasting one—it will never pass away!—his kingship is indestructible” (Daniel 7:14)


When the world seems as though it is upside down and good news is ever harder to come by, we can look to God’s everlasting and indestructible kingdom for solace. This week, Holy Week, embodies what we as Easter People have to look forward to. All we have to do is turn to God and remain faithful. Praise to the risen Christ!


1. Do you follow the news? Do you think constantly negative headlines affect you?

2. Think of a time you felt completely lost. How did you faith help you?

3. How can you turn to God this week for reassurance?

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