Let's Talk About Whether God Is Good All the Time

by Brent Lamberth

Job 1:20-22

Job arose, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell to the ground, and worshipped. He said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb; naked I will return there. The Lord has given; the Lord has taken; bless the Lords name.” In all this, Job didn’t sin or blame God. —Job 1:20-22


Job had it all—family, possessions, wealth, and health. And then, in an instant, Job lost it all. Many of us, like Job, find ourselves experiencing our own pain and despair. Yet, through Job’s response, we witness something amazing. In his grief, Job worshiped. He knew he didn’t create the blessings he had, and he knew he had no control of when he might lose them. He certainly wasn’t afraid or embarrassed to mourn the loss of those things. Yet, in the end, he put his trust in God’s eternal love. He was thankful for God’s presence and peace that overcame the pain he felt for lost earthly blessings.

Questions to Discuss:

Would you say times of hardship make it easier or more difficult to be grateful?

What new thing did you discover during a challenging time for which you are grateful?

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