Let's Talk About Serving with Courage

by Rose Taylor

Joshua 1:1-6

After Moses the Lords servant died, the Lord spoke to Joshua, Nun’s son. He had been Moses’ helper. “My servant Moses is dead. Now get ready to cross over the Jordan with this entire people to the land that I am going to give to the Israelites. I am giving you every place where you set foot, exactly as I promised Moses. . . . No one will be able to stand up against you during your lifetime. I will be with you in the same way I was with Moses. I won’t desert you or leave you. Be brave and strong, because you are the one who will help this people take possession of the land, which I pledged to give to their ancestors. —Joshua 1:1-3, 5-6


As Joshua was about to step up as leader of the Israelites, he received encouragement from God that God would be with him just as God had been with Moses. God also assured Joshua that he would be successful and undefeated. Still, Joshua would need to be brave and strong to accomplish the task of entering the Promised Land.

Questions to Discuss:

Do you think courage comes naturally, or is it a gift from God?

What fears have you had to overcome to follow God’s leading?

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